Organizational Behavior (OB) Definition
What Is Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior has included two terms in it. Therefore, these two terms should be detailed first before diving into the title in question.
→ Organization: It is a group of people who are collected to work for a common goal with collective efforts. Organization works through two concepts i.e coordination and delegation among its group members. Delegation is necessary to allocate group members with equal work according to their capability, and coordination is required to achieve organizational goal with precision.
→ Behavior: It is a verbal or physical response shown by a person as a consequence of the impact of his/her surroundings. Individual Behavior varies in accordance with their mental reactivity to particular circumstances because of their deeply imbibed morals and value system.
→ Organizational Behavior: Organizational Behavior is the observation of individual and/or group Behavior in response to the other individuals or group as a whole. It studies Behavior of people or group to know their attitude towards particular circumstances.
Importance of Organizational Behavior:
- It builds better relationship by achieving people’s, organizational, and social objectives.
- It covers a wide array of human resource like behavior, training and development, change management, leadership, teams etc.
- It brings coordination which is the essence of management.
- It improves goodwill of the organization.
- It helps to achieve objectives quickly.
- It makes optimum utilization of resources.
- It facilitates motivation.
- It leads to higher efficiency.
- It improves relations in the organization.
- It is multidisciplinary, in the sense that applies different techniques, methods, and theories to evaluate the performances.
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