Types of Network Topology — Computer Network
Network Topology refers to the logical arrangement/layout of a network and a description of how various nodes(sender/receiver) are connected and communicate with each other.
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Different Types of Network Topologies
Bus Topology
Bus topology is a network, in which all the nodes/systems are connected to a single transmission link/channel.
Advantages of Bus Topology
1. It is easy to connect a device and handle
Disadvantages of Bus Topology
1. If the backbone cable fails, then the whole network will be down.
Ring Topology
In a ring topology, the device forms the ring shape, in which each device is connected exactly to its neighbour on both sides through point to point connection and the first and last nodes are connected to each other.
The functionality of Ring Topology:
1. In this topology, one device known as monitor station will take responsibility for the operation.
2. Station has to hold the token to transmit the data.
3. When no station is holding the token then the token will be circulated in the ring.
Advantages of Ring Topology
1. Chance of collision is less.
Disadvantages of Ring Topology
- Difficult to troubleshoot.
Star Topology
All the computers are connected to a single central node called a hub through a cable. All the transmission of data is through the hub.
Advantages of Star Topology
1. Failure of one computer will not affect other computers in a network.
Disadvantages of Star Topology
1. Performance of transmission depends on the hub.
Mesh Topology
In a mesh topology, every computer is connected to each other computer via dedicated channels.
Advantages of Mesh Topology
1. It is robust
Disadvantages of Mesh Topology
1. The cost of implementation and maintenance is higher.
TREE Topology
It has a root node and other two nodes are connected to the root node. It is also known as “hybrid” topology that combines characteristics of linear bus and star topologies. It includes at least three specific levels.
Advantages of Tree Topology
1. Adding a computer to a node is easy.
Disadvantages of Tree Topology
1. Require huge cable.
HYBRID Topology
This topology is a combination of two or more topologies. Internet is the best example of largest Hybrid topology
Advantages of Hybrid Topology
1. Scalable
Disadvantages of Hybrid Topology
1.Costly to implement